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Ook bekend als: Interactive Movie 1 (working title)
Auteur: Origin Systems
Uitgever: Origin Systems
Meer details:Officiële spelwebsite, MobyGames, Wikipedia

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Bestand Details


Run bio\bioforge.exe to play the demo. Both directories must be on C:\ for the demo to work properly.

Beoordeling door gebruikers

Wat vind jij van BioForge? Beoordeel het spel hieronder op een schaal van 1 tot 10, waarbij 1 de laagste en 10 de hoogste score is.



BioForge is about a nightmare made real. You don't know where you are or who is in control. Even the most essential concepts of identity have been stripped from your mind. Only the realization that something is not as it should be makes you take control of your destiny to rise, seek answers and fend for yourself in an insane and nebulous reality. Make your way through different indoor and outdoor environments and get swept into a breathtaking drama upon which the fate of the universe depends.

When you break free of your security cell, you enter a laboratory set on the ruins of an ancient and hibernating alien civilization. The work of research archaeologists has been interrupted by the machinations of the scheming scientist who plans to use the advanced alien technology for his own ends.

There is a hostile alien on the prowl, a time-critical emergency situation to bring under control, and a tantalizing entrance into the alien ruins to investigate. Only your enhanced skills give you hope of survival.

Beschrijving door Origin Systems


Spelvideo door Ancient DOS Games