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The Settlers



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The Settlers Ubisoft

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Haven't you always wanted to be king? Indulge your fantasy in the world of the The Settlers. You alone determine how your kingdom will be formed, how large it will be, whether to limit your ambitions to agriculture, breeding of stock, and fishing or whether you want to start an industrial revolution.

You decide where and what to build, where and how to plan your roadways, where to mine for mineral resources, and where and when you want to attack your opponents. Your subjects fell trees, work in mines, produce weapons and tools, and transport building materials.

Your goal is to build up a well-functioning and successful settlement, with which to conquer land and opponents. That may sound simple but it isn't. For instance, to conquer your opponents, you must destroy their castle. But to destroy an enemy’s castle, you must have well-equipped and highly-motivated knights, and to accomplish that you need gold for their morale and for their weapons you need iron, coal, and smiths to forge the weapons. But they all must eat and for that you must supply them with food, and that means you need fishermen and farmers, who then in turn need buildings in which to work, and which in turn means your going to need building material and people who can construct those buildings.

Create your own kingdom, consisting of many thousands of tiny subjects, and make sure you look after their welfare-who knows what it might lead to.

Beschrijving door Blue Byte Software


Spelvideo door Max Oldgames

Spelvideo door Max Oldgames